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School Uniform

All pupils from Years 7 to 11 must wear the school uniform. Uniform can be purchased from Clemmy’s in Darlaston or Ron Flowers in Wolverhampton.

All Students

  • Blue Blazer
  • Tie – Blue, silver and red
  • Black plain school shoes – Shoes must be smart and made of a fabric such as leather or PVC that can be polished. Canvas shoes such as Vans, Converse, boots, coloured laces, trainers or Nike Airforce shoes are not permitted.
  • Earrings – One pair of small studs only – No sleepers or dangling earrings. No flesh holes or horn style earrings, nose, lip, eyebrow sleepers or temporary piercings. Earrings which stretch holes in the ear beyond the normal range of traditional earrings are not allowed. Students will be asked to remove all unacceptable piercings.
  • Rings – plain type

Boys Uniform

In addition to the above:

  • Black Trousers
  • Plain white collared shirt
  • Black or grey socks

Girls Uniform

In addition to the above:

  • Black trousers or skirt
  • Plain white collared shirt
  • White socks or plain tights

Facial jewellery is not allowed under any circumstances

Mobile phones, iPods/music devices are not allowed in school. The school accepts no responsibility for loss of or damage to any of these items. If they are seen or heard in school they will be confiscated

Post 16 students are expected to wear suits; trousers and jackets for male students and either skirts or trousers with jackets for female students

58Ó°ÊÓ School PE Kit Policy Academic Year 22-23

Core PE Kit

Only 58Ó°ÊÓ PE kit will be acceptable when taking part in practical lessons, this is found in our kit policy below. The minimum expectation is for students to wear polo, shorts/trousers, socks and suitable footwear. We strongly advise additional items such as the midlayer or raincoat for poor weather conditions. This applies to all core PE lessons (All Y7-11 students).

KS4 BTEC Sport Lessons (Y9-11)

Students who have selected to study L2 BTEC Sport will be allowed to attend 58Ó°ÊÓ in their FULL BTEC SPORT KIT (including tracksuit jacket, tracksuit bottoms/shorts, t-shirt and socks) ONLY on the days they have BTEC Sport lessons
  • Year 9- Monday (HV/JS/FX groups), Thursday (GG/AM groups)
  • Year 10- Tuesday (ML/FX/AM groups)
  • Year 11- Monday (ML/FX/JS group), Friday (HV/JS)
If students don’t have the full BTEC Sport kit they must wear their normal school uniform and bring their practical kit with them. The BTEC Sport kit can be found in our kit policy below.

KS5 BTEC Sport Lessons (Y12-13)

Students who have selected to study L3 BTEC Sport will be allowed to attend 58Ó°ÊÓ in their FULL BTEC SPORT KIT (including tracksuit jacket, tracksuit bottoms/shorts, t-shirt) ONLY on the days they have BTEC Sport lessons.
If students don’t have the full BTEC Sport kit they must wear their normal school uniform and bring their practical kit with them. The BTEC Sport kit can be found in our kit policy below.

Please note- we have now moved across to Joma kit for BTEC Sport courses for the academic year 22-23, however students who have already purchased the Nike kit can still wear this for lessons and will not be required to purchase new kit.

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Acceptable School Wear